10-15-16 Wilson Lock

Sorry for the delay in posting.  We have not had good internet for about 2 weeks.  Watch for more posts as I get caught up.

10-15-16 we are on our way to the AGLCA Rendezvous in Rogersville, Alabama. Our journey included two big locks. The Wilson is the most note worthy as it has the tallest lift lock east of the Rocky Mountains at 93 to 100 feet.

This is our view from inside the lock looking up.
This is our view from inside the lock looking up.
Another view looking up.
Another view looking up.
While in the locks we have to keep the boat away from the wall.
While in the locks we have to keep the boat away from the wall.


Because of the size of this lock there is a fair amount of turbulence when filling.  Luckily our lock master let us know that and told us to go to the first Bollard (the thing we wrap our line around to keep us from floating around the lock.

You can see the white turbulent water behind us.
You can see the white turbulent water behind us.

This lock was different than the others.  Most have doors that open and close.  On this one the water filled deep enough over the top of the railing for the boats to go right over the top.  Watch the progression in the following pictures.

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On we go to Joe Wheeler State Park.

Thanks for reading.

Karen and Scott