2-21-17 Best Day Ever in Piggyville!

2-21-17 Best Day Ever in Piggyville!

No Name is not considered inhabited except for the wild pigs….that aren’t so wild anymore.  No one knows OR is saying how the pigs got there. They have been relying on boaters to bring them fresh water and food. If you are the first ones to the island, they will swim out to meet your dinghy.  When we were there, there were already people on shore feeding them.

Our view as we approached shore. I was so excited.
This is the official sign from the Ministry of Tourism. Quite fancy eh?


There are 21 pigs on No Name Cay also known as Piggyville.

Brendall’s Dive shop on Green Turtle Cay takes tours out to the island, but during slow seasons, they go feed the pigs. Craig Russell nicknamed the Pig whisperer along with his wife Jan also visit to make sure the pigs are getting what they need. They purchased and installed a 2000 gallon water tank to provide fresh water for the pigs seeing there is no fresh water on the island. Wade and Martha Cash owners of Sunset Marine, keep the tank filled.

The water tank with special pig water fittings. Pigs are smart and they learn quickly how to drink from the spigots so no water is wasted.

When we landed the dinghy, it didn’t take long for the pigs to realize we could be a new food source.

We have been discovered.

I was so excited to be able to feed them.  I had three of the larger sows come right up to me.  I  brought lettuce, bananas and grapes.

Attempting to feed the big sows lettuce.

My excitement was quickly squashed when the pigs, who had been eating cooking wouldn’t touch the lettuce and grunted in disgust to me.

Check out my face!

I discovered, however, that the big pigs chase away the little pigs for food they want.  Once they realized I was feeding lettuce and others were feeding cookies, I was free to go feed the little ones which actually make my day.

Isn’t he cute?
The babies loved my treat.
I did have to peel the banana before they would eat it. Spoiled little piggies.
Scott was the pig whisperer. They loved it when he scratched them behind the ears.
Can life get any better than this? I don’t think so.
When all the cookies and food were gone the big pigs continued to root around in the sand for morsels of cookies.
The babies found shade and took a nap. Can’t get over how cute they are.

It was the best day ever!

Thanks for reading.  Drop us a line, we love to hear from you.

Karen and Scott

Unique Random Photo of the day:

Love the Razorback flags place by the signs.

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