5-19-17 5-23-17 Chesapeake, VA and Good Friends

If you read my last blog, you read about the bridge being broken and stuck in the closed position so that left us at anchor an additional day.  Scott has been wanting to get the bottom of the boat scrubbed, but current, winds, muddy water etc. has prevented this.  We had a whole day of unplanned, so out came the wetsuit. He got everything set only to discover that the brown water, although it was clear, didn’t allow enough light under the boat to see more than a few inches.  So he scrubbed the yellow line off the bottom of the boat only to have it back in just a few hours of travel.  Oh how we miss the Bahama waters.

My scuba “Dude”
Man they grow some big flies here.
They also grow some big boats here. We have seen so many big boats on the Virginia Cut. We feel like a canoe next to them.

We stayed for 4 days in order to visit friends Alexandra and Michael.  We have been friends for 15 years. We met at the horse barn. They are the type of people that will be life-long friends even if we don’t see each other for years.  In fact they were in on this trip from the very beginning.  We came to Norfolk to  and AGLCA rendezvous 3 years ago to learn more about this trip and what kind of boat we needed. We met them several times that week and shared our dream and here we are on our boat living the dream, visiting again.

Alex and Me

They lent us a car for the weekend so when they were busy we got shopping and errands done.  They were gracious to let us do our laundry at their house. They have a little ferret who lives to find dirty sock and streak through the house at lightning speed in order to hide them under the couch before being caught.  We set out laundry down and she immediately climbed in and started searching for socks.  Much to her dismay she didn’t find any because we live in flip flops and didn’t have any socks in the basket.  She’s adorable. Alexandra rescued her and her sister. The previous owners named her Steaks and the other one Milkshake, after  Steak and Shake.  Dumb name but she knows it so they didn’t change it.

“Steaks” in our laundry basket looking for socks.
It was a challenge to get a picture because she is busy all the time.
Alexandra holds her with her body folded in half and she loves it. Crazy animal.
We bought her a toy and she wouldn’t let go of it.

There was the Chesapeake Jubilee going on this weekend, so we walked to the fireworks.  We were back home before most people were out of the parking lot.  The fireworks were amazing. They were choreographed to music.  They did a nice ceremony honoring all soldiers and public servants , like police, fire, ambulance etc.

Smoked turkey breast for dinner. Yum. Alexandra says if you don’t floss after eating one of these you can eat for three days. Eeew
Hanging out, listening to the band on stage waiting for fireworks.
I haven’t been to a carnival in a while. It had a very lively atmosphere.


All the light were turned off except the one on the flag during the ceremony.
During the National anthem this went up during the part “and the rockets red glare”
“and bombs bursting in air”
They had some really different displays.
The finale.

The next day we went to see Magnum, Alexandra’s horse. We were able to see the airshow from the barn.  It was all WWII air planes.  I didn’t have my big camera and my phone just doesn’t cut it taking photos of plane. We spoiled Magnum with carrots and apples.  We let him graze and run around the arena.  He is a funny boy.  Beautiful too.

When we arrived, all the horses stuck their head out to see who was coming.
Me and Magnum. Isn’t he beautiful!
Grazing but only on the lush clover. He has good taste.
We found this oddly colored horse. With some help from Mallory we found out it is a brindle palomino. I had never seen one that color before.
I had my hair professionally colored for the first time since August of last year. Had more of my crunchy ends cut off. My hair is growing in nicely after losing most of it after my cancer. Now it has a curl to it. It was always stick straight.

We spent an extra day to get maintenance done.  Scott got the oil changed in the engine and generator and changed the transmission fluid. Feels good to head up the coast with all that done.

Heading to the Chesapeake Bay next.  Hoping for calm winds as that is a huge body of water.

Until next time. Thanks for reading.

Karen and Scott

Unique Random Photo Of The Day:

5 thoughts on “5-19-17 5-23-17 Chesapeake, VA and Good Friends”

    1. I bet that was a site to see. It must have been huge out of the water.

  1. Loved catching up on your blog and to read all about your awesome adventures. Safe travels across Chesapeake and your hair looks beautiful.

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