8-17, 8-27 Home Port Doings

It is hard to believe we have been back at our home port for a little over a week.

Our son, Allen, spent the first weekend with us.  We did a few little projects but mostly enjoyed a little R&R.

But come Monday…We had the boat pulled out of the water to get maintenance done.  We washed the hull, then Polished and waxed the upper hull. Below waterline, we scraped and wet sanded the whole thing.  Then came the bottom paint.  The bares spots were touched up then two other coats were put on.  We did this all in 3 days by ourselves.  We were exhausted at the end of the day.  We were back at Lake Shore Yacht Harbor on Thursday and worked on a few more things.

Sanding the hull after scraping the whole thing.
Painting the hull is lots of fun….said no one ever.
Look at her. All shiny and painted. It was worth a few hard days of work. Saved a ton of money by doing it ourselves.

On Friday, our good friends Steve and Teresa with Sanctuary came into port crossing their wake.  We left with them on the trip and would have liked to cross their wake with them as well, but medical appointments pushed us ahead of them.  They decked out their boat and came in with a fleet of other Looper boats.  We met them in the dinghy. There was a big party that night at the club house.  Lots of fun.

Sanctuary all decked out for their crossing. Congratulations to Steve and Theresa on earning the gold flag. We sure had a lot of fun along the way.
Sunsets at Lakeshore Yacht Harbour are some of the best we have seen.
Cathy and Robin Silly girls.

On Saturday morning we drove to our son’s home in Lake Orion three hours away.  He built a garage all by himself while we were gone.  We had to see it.  He did an amazing job for his first structure. I guess he learned a few things from his dad.

When we arrived, I came with my laundry.  Oh how the tides turns.  I said it was payback for college laundry.   I did laundry and Scott and Allen worked on the final phase of his project, installing steps on the deck.  He made us a wonderful rib dinner.  The next morning he made us chorizo breakfast burritos. He’s a good cook. He then took us to the shooting range where we did what he and Scott call recoil therapy.  It was fun shooting handguns, rifles and his AR. It was so good to spend time with him.

Funny how things change, I am bringing my laundry to my son’s house. Payback from college.
Allen took us shooting. I got to shoot his 300 Blackout. Fun gun to shoot.
Can you tell we are boat people. We only had flip flops with us. Not exactly the appropriate footwear when Hot shells are being spit out of a gun.

At the end of the day we did a 5 round shootout. Winner was deemed by the tightest grouping. Scott and I were close, but I was deemed the winner. Girl Power! I can hang with big boys. My target is on the bottom. We had precise measuring with a wooden stick.

Just a little over a week left before we take off again for round two.

Thanks for staying tuned …

Scott and Karen

Unique Random Photo of the day:

We were working in the storage unit and the bikes were sitting outside and attracted this lovely bug.


3 thoughts on “8-17, 8-27 Home Port Doings”

  1. Karen, I have enjoyed your blog so much. I look forward to reading all about your next adventure. Your blog and others like yours are my vicarious pleasure on my morning break and lunch. I know that blogging is time consuming and you have to enjoy it to be able to do it as well as you do.

    I am still working, looking forward to retirement in 5 years. I had always hoped hubby and I could do the loop. After our summer vacation this year and our fuel and marina costs; I’m not sure it’s financially feasible. We’ll have to see how things go over the next few years. We do look forward to Great Lakes boating during retirement.

    If you would ever like to spend a summer on the east side of the state; let me know and I will be happy to tell you all about life on Lake St Clair.

    1. Thank you Marie for the kind words. My only recommendation is don’t wait. Just go as soon as you are able to. You can adjust the budget by anchoring more, which we did and found we loved it at anchor. We truly found the best stuff at Anchor and met and became great friends at anchor. Call us anytime if you want to get together to talk about our trip.

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