8-11-18 Bitter Men and Bitter Women

8-11-18  Bitter Men and Bitter Women

Nelson’s Hall, Bitters Pub and Restaurant is the oldest continuously run tavern in the state due to the  intake of Angustora Bitters.

Here’s the story we heard.  Tom Nelson opened this bar and was doing well with a thriving business.  Then came along prohibition. Instead of closing his doors, he got his pharmacy license. Bitters was a treatment for stomach ailments. There must have been a large population with undiagnosed stomach problem because he was selling amore bitters than ever.

A prohibition office challenged him in court stating that he was illegally selling alcohol.  Mr. Nelson brought a bottle of Angustora Bitters and a shot glass with him to court.  He politely poured a shot for the judge.  The judge took his shot like a man. Slammed his gavel down on the bench and said, “Not Guilty.”  Anyone who wants to drink that stuff, go right ahead.  Nelson’s continued to serve Bitters all through prohibition. When alcohol was allowed again, people still came to get a shot of Bitters.  This started the “Bitters Club.”

To become part of the club you drink a shot of bitters. It was recommended to us to have a Pilsner beer as a chaser. Once this is accomplished, the bartender sticks his thumb in the left overs in the bottom of the glass and puts his seal on the signed member card.  Then and only then can you sign the official book. When in Rome…..we joined the Bitters Club. 10,000 people a year join the bitters club. The bitters was not as bad as I thought.  It tasted more like strong cough syrup. Strong is right it is 90 proof.


Membership: we are now officially “considered a full-fledged Island and entitle to mingle, dance, etc. with all the other Islanders.” It says so right on our cards.

These are official. See the thumb print!

Nelsons is the largest purveyor of Angostura Bitters in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The current owner of Nelsons, Robin Ditello, states that Mr. Nelson drank a pint of Bitters a day, that’s 16 shots.” He lived until he was 90. Who can argue that it was wrong.  Nelsen’s spirit is supposedly still in the hall.  Doors shut when they shouldn’t, and footsteps are heard when no one is there.

Oh boy! We must be getting old. We split a lunch.;)

The whole thing is a bit silly, but the story is so good we just had to embrace it.

Thanks for reading.  Drop us a line we love hearing from you.

Karen and Scott

m/v Last Call

Unique Random Photo of the day:

Found this epoxied into the bar.. Huh?


2 thoughts on “8-11-18 Bitter Men and Bitter Women”

  1. that’s quite the (history) story! Gallivant changed course and did NOT go to Fayette as originally planned, oh well. I hope you enjoyed your time!

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