4-22-17- 4-27-2017 GeorgeTown and South Port

We got into Georgetown just in time for lunch at the The Big Tuna.  It was on the water and very rustic.  There was a small alligator hanging out below the dock and several turtles.  I am quite sure they get quite a few handouts from the patrons. The town is lovely quiet and quaint. Not too touristy but just enough shops of good quality to make it interesting. We walked down to the fish market where the shrimp were still in the baskets from the boat. Dinner was delicious.

We stopped at a shop next door that was half store and half workshop. The gentleman was making a replica of an old skiff for a family that owns the original.

After that we had a few rainy days and just sat on the boat with nothing pressing to do. I broke out my jewelry making stuff, got on youtube and tried my hand at turning some of the treasures I found into jewelry.  It was really fun to be creative!

The second rainy day, we dug in and got all our bookeeping, old and new mail taken care of.  I was way behind and Scott ready me numbers from columns to speed things up. It feels good to get that monkey off my back.

We had great dinners on board and watched a few movies. It felt refreshing to just sit with no planning and map reading. I hadn’t realized there is a certain amount of stress with the planning every day where to go, check ing tides, checking weathers and finding safe anchorages or inexpensive marinas.  When we do get to a location then we have to learn where to go and choose what to see and not see.  Sitting felt good.

Found this huge bird in the Big Tuna restaurant. Very cool.
This building was across from the seafood store. Nicely restored.
WE often stop at boat launches to get rid of trash. We found where someone was feeding stray cats. They had built little houses for them. The problem is the catfood attracts the vultures too.
At first I thought he was injured but on closer inspection, I think he had his eye removed. Someone is taking care of them.
Along the way we found this shrimp boat on shore. quite sure it is a victim of Matthew. So if you think you are having a bad day, think about this captain.
My jewelry collection. We collected all the glass and shells.
These are my future vision pieces.

South Port was a cute tiny town we dinghied in from anchor.  Walked and saw some cute houses and a handful of small stores. Love these little towns.


Cute small but old homes.

Fish Market
Tiny restaurant at the end of town.

Some of the ships we see are giant. This thing is miles away with a strip of land between us and it still looks this big.Sorry some of my  posts are out of order.  I was having some difficulties with my pictures, but think I have it all sorted out…for now

Thanks for reading,

Karen and Scott

Unique Random Photo Of The Day:

One thought on “4-22-17- 4-27-2017 GeorgeTown and South Port”

  1. I cvan attest to your jewelry making skills – I love my necklace – wwear it
    every day and get so many comments on it – most people think it is a
    crystal…………..v.ery surprised when I tell them it is sea glass. actually
    it is more precious to me than crystal – because you made it and I thank
    you again. happy birthday .Scott -I am getting soooo old. do you feel
    old too? lots of love – enjpy your posts so much – fun to see Mallory

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