4-25-17 Cypress Swamp

Cypress Swamp doesn’t necessarily sound like a great place, but it was beautiful.  It was also nice to see trees instead of swamp marshes.  We were fortunate that the weather was cool so we had virtually no bugs.  We could imagine they are bad when it warms up.

Our anchorage in the Cypress swamp. Beautiful
Osprey in the tree above our boat.

I don’t know why I find dead trees intriguing.
A type of water lily was blooming. Unique flowers.
Water lilies sure look different in the south.
The view of the waterway as we dinghied around.

We anchored in a beautiful spot just off the ICW (Intracostal Waterway) We were in need of bread, so we dropped the dinghy and went jetting around the swamp looking for bread.  Yes you are right, we didn’t find bread but we found a couple neat marinas.  Who would have thought there would be marinas here. The first one we came to is called Osprey.  It is in a little keyhole.  Once we got back to the marina, we were amazed at how big it was.  This would be the perfect place to ride out a hurricane. I went into the store and didn’t see any bread on the shelf, but low and behold there was a loaf in the refrigerator.  I took it up to the counter and the gal informed me that is the bread for the marina people to make toast in the mornings.  It is not for sale.  When I put it back, I saw the little toasting station and was a little embarrassed.  Off we went to another marina, Bucksport Plantation.  The door was locked and there was no one around.  There was a large old school bell on top of a post.  The sign said ring for service.  However, the string was broken off about 8 feet up.  Jokes on us.  We hung around for a few minutes. A truck pulls up and 3 men get out.  One was the owner, I think Jeff and his son Jeff and another guy.  They greeted us warmly and when the owner didn’t have bread he offered to have his son take us to town 5 miles away to get some.  Now that is southern hospitality. We didn’t feel right taking advantage of this service not staying in their marina. We turned the offer down.  The son offered several more times. He says that what he does anytime for anyone.   As we were leaving he started talking to us.   There is  something different about him.  He had visible scars sticking out of his shirt. He had a slight speech impediment. There was something slow about him, yet he was very sharp at the same time and had an incredible memory.  We heard later he is an injured war veteran.  He told us Jackie Gleason kept one of his boats there and the other in California.  In fact the boat is still there.  He remembered the dates and years of the sale of the boat. It has seen better days. He told us about another boat of some famous rock musician. (Can’t remember who)  That boat  is still there too.  He told us the inside is completely customized and beautiful even though the boat is older. He told us his Daddy called the island across the way Alligator Island.  He told us the most dangerous alligator is a moma with babies……. I think we might still be there talking to him if we didn’t break away.  Later we thought about it and probably should have let us take us into town.  That is probably how he makes money and something he could do. Our thinking that we would be taking advantage of him was all wrong.  Hind sight…

Jackie Gleason’s old boat.
Alligator Island. Nope never saw one the whole time in the swamp. It might have been too cold for them.

Thanks for reading.  Enjoy your day!

Karen and Scott

Unique Random Photo Of The Day:

odd looking sculpture.