More fun with the kids at Hanging Rock State Park

We rented this rustic cabin for two night.
We had some visitors. Isn’t this Turkey beautiful. Mallory was hiding behind the car trying to get photos.
We had deer wander through the back yard.
Fire pit for dinner and s’mores.
My Mallory the fire bug was burning a stick but she got creative with the ashes.
S’mores every night of course.

The park has tons of trails to some pretty amazing places.  We hiked many miles and climbed lots of rock steps but every step was worth it.

Mallory and Marcelo out on hanging rock. It is a Lonnnnng way down.
the rocks were so beautiful.
What a view from hanging rock.
I am looking up at this rock. It looks like water.
So many pretty waterfalls.
There is a giant crack all the way through behind us.
Photo standing under the crack.
You can even see the sky.

This picture doesn’t even look real. Love it.
Cut pic guys.

The whole gang at the prettiest falls yet.
Scott seeing how close he could get to the falls.
It was strange…When we hiked to the falls these flowers were not open but on they way back they had bloomed all over the trail. So pretty.
We found this beautiful lake. We wished we had a canoe to go exploring. They rent them but they were closed. Too early in the season.
Off the pier on the lake we found Newtville. There were newts all over in the water.


Us on hanging rock. Can you tell it was windy?
Hiking the trails.
Yowsa look at the size of the centipedes here.
I just liked this shot.

Me and my girl
Mallory and Marcelo
Love this spot.

We had a lovely time and the weather was perfect. If you ever get to North Carolina look up “Hanging Rock State Park”  you won’t be disappointed.

Thanks for viewing as there were more pictures than reading,

Karen and Scott

Unique Random Photo of the Day:

Look closely at the fish peeking out from under the log.  He has huge bug eyes.